Therapy Services for….
For teens (14+) who….
Feel like they don’t always fit in or have a hard time connecting with friends
Find school a bit difficult to handle
Are experiencing emotions that feel all over the place
Are going through big changes- starting high school, moving to a new city, feeling more distant with parents
Struggle to feel confident at times
Young Adults
For college students and young adults who…
Are living away from family/support system for the first time
Are figuring out what it means to be “an adult”
Are overwhelmed by balancing responsibilities of school, work, social life
Questioning “who am I”, “what do I want to do in life”, “what’s important to me”
Place a lot of pressure on themself or struggle with feelings of “perfectionism”
For adults who…
Are feeling unfulfilled or not as happy but not sure why
Need support with their romantic and meaningful relationships in life
Have difficulty being kind and compassionate with themselves
Want to process or make sense of their childhood/formative years
Are dealing with transitions- a new job, divorce/break up, loss of a loved one